The QT

Saturday 14 December 2024

Author name: Michael Telfer


Boxing Clever – Reacher

Jack Reacher is a retired Military Police officer, formerly of the US Army. He is the lead character in a fantastically successful series of books written by British author Lee Child, which have sold over 100 million copies worldwide. There are 28 Reacher novels in all, and I’ve currently read 27 and a half of …

The Responder

Boxing Clever – The Responder

Martin Freeman has come along way since his breakthrough role as Tim in The Office, the Slough based straight man in a workplace staffed by fools and maniacs, who perfected the desperate, wan smile into the camera. He was then famously Dr Watson to Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock, and went on to star in huge Hollywood …

Boxing Clever – Borgen

With a general election looming many people will look to box sets for an escape from the constant baby hoisting, grandstanding, finger pointing and lofty promises. Others will be loving every second, and won’t want the daily political intrigue to end with the ten o’clock news. For those in the second camp, I can heartily …

Boxing Clever – Midnight Mass

I’m a pretty big Stephen King fan, and like all pretty big Stephen King fans I’m painfully aware that his books have a patchy record when it comes to transferring to film and TV. For every Shawshank Redemption there’s a Dreamcatcher and a Cell. For every Green Mile there’s a Firestarter and a Dark Tower. …

Boxing Clever – Modern Family

Over the course of our children’s lives a number of ‘go to’ options have developed in our family; staple items that are guaranteed to deliver without the need for a referee or a committee. Need to knock up a quick tea? Defrost a pot of my wife’s homemade pasta sauce. Looking for an activity everyone …

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