The QT

Monday 21 October 2024


Wedded to words… and each other

David Almond and Julia Green have lived on their quiet Tynemouth street since November 2022 and if ever a place could be called a house of stories itโ€™s surely theirs. Bookending the upstairs landing are studies โ€” one each, with desk, writerly paraphernalia and personal flourishes. Juliaโ€™s has a bookcase with Davidโ€™s published titles and …

Turner-nominated artist turns her attention to Belsay

For artist and photographer Ingrid Pollard, it was a year spent in โ€˜wonderlandโ€™. Ingrid, appointed as English Heritageโ€™s first visual art fellow, was presented with the opportunity of a year-long fellowship at Belsay Hall in Northumberland. Spread out before her was a medieval castle and an impressive 20 acres of gardens, including the locationโ€™s atmospheric …

Showcasing city’s creative potential

Railway sleepers from the River Tyne and jay feathers found in Northumberland can become art materials as potent as paint or pastel in the right hands. This much is clear in the second exhibition curated by Jed Buttress at Newcastle Arts Centre as part of a project called Brass Tacks. The first, in September, was …

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