The QT

Monday 21 October 2024

Author name: Pam Royle

Power and strength in yourself

I am standing in Warrior pose. Not about to go into battle, this is yoga and only my third ever session. It is the beginning of a day-long retreat, guided by therapist Carole-Anne Knott, a petite woman with tousled, red hair and insightful brown eyes.  Carole encourages us to connect with our strength and power. I …

Weaving a hobby into a new career

Victoria Conner laughs as she recalls her fatherโ€™s impassioned advice when she was contemplating going into business. โ€œYou need to get yourself into coffins โ€“ thereโ€™s money in coffins,โ€ he would tell her. But Victoria was not keen, replying. โ€œDad, I wouldnโ€™t trust myself. What if someone fell out the bottom?โ€  Instead, Victoria runs a …

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