The QT

Monday 21 October 2024

Author name: Chris Earnshaw

Quizzing at The QT – July 19

July 19th …. and before we think about anything else, a quick look at what has previously happened on this day in history: 1333  At the Battle of Halidon Hill, the English won a decisive victory against the Scots 1545  The Mary Rose sank off Portsmouth.  The wreck was salvaged in 1992. 1553  The attempt to install Lady Jane Grey …

Quizzing at The QT – July 12

12th July .… and a quick look at what has previously happened on this day in history …. 1191  Saladin’s garrison surrendered to Philip Augustus, ending the two-year siege of Acre 1543  King Henry VIII married his sixth and last wife, Catherine Parr.  1776  Captain James Cook began his third (and, sadly, final) voyage 1806  Bavaria, Baden Wurttemberg and …

Quizzing at The QT – July 5

5th Julyย …. and we have a new Government ….. but what has previously happened on this day in history?  328  Constantine’s Bridge, crossing the Danube between Romania and Bulgaria, was opened 1594  Portuguese forces began an unsuccessful invasion of the Kingdom of Kandy in Sri Lanka 1610  John Guy and 39 other colonists set sail for Newfoundland  1687  Isaac …

Quizzing at The QT – June 28

28th June … and a quick look at what has previously happened on this day in history … including an event in Newcastle upon Tyne … 1461  Edward, Earl of March, was crowned King Edward IV of England 1519  Charles V was elected as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 1635  Guadeloupe became a French colony 1797  French rule began …

Quizzing at The QT – June 21

21st June – it’s Midsummer Day  … and a quick look at what has previously happened on this day in history ….. 1749  Halifax, Nova Scotia, was founded 1788  New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the Constitution of the United States 1791  Louis XVI and his family began the Flight to Varennes 1900  The Boxer Rebellion. China declared …

Quizzing at The QT – June 14

14th June …. and a quick look at what has previously happened on this day in history … 1777 US Continental Congress adopts the Stars & Stripes flag, designed by Francis Hopkinson, replacing the Grand Union flag 1807 Emperor Napoleon I’s French Grande Armee defeats the Russian Army at the Battle of Friedland in Prussia, ending …

Quizzing at The QT – June 7

7th June …. and, before we go any further, a quick look at what has happened on this day in history: 1099  During the First Crusade, the Siege of Jerusalem began 1654  Louis XIV was crowned King of France 1692  Port Royal, Jamaica, was hit by a catastrophic earthquake, with 1,600 people being killed in three minutes 1832  The …

Quizzing at The QT – May 31

The last day of May …. and a quick look at what has previously happened on this day in history: 455  Emperor Petronius Maximus is stoned to death by an angry mob while fleeing Rome 1669  Citing deteriorating eyesight, Samuel Pepys made his final diary entry 1859  The clock tower at the Houses of Parliament, which houses Big …

Quizzing at The QT – May 24

24th May ….. and, before we go any further, a quick look at what has been an interesting day in history: 1487  The ten-year-old Lambert Simnel was crowned as Edward Vi in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 1683  The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford opened as the world’s first university museum  1738   John Wesley was converted; effectively launching the Methodist …

Quizzing at The QT – May 17

17th May …and first a look at what has previously happened on this day in history: 1536  The marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn was annulled 1590  Anne of Denmark was crowned Queen of Scotland 1805  Muhammad Ali became Wali of Egypt 1809  Napoleon ordered the annexation of the Papal States 1900  The novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was …

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