The QT

Monday 21 October 2024

About The QT

The QT is a new digital media platform for the North East with an emphasis on quality regional journalism.

No sensationalism, no pop-ups and no clickbait. Just meaningful news that matters.

Honest, straightforward, and unbiased, The QTโ€™s business model is based on people paying for quality stories told by quality storytellers.

In return, we deliver an uninterrupted, clean reading experience, allowing our audience to concentrate on a weekly serving of independent, issue-led journalism, which cuts through the noise with clarity and depth.

A new edition of The QT is available every Thursday at noon featuring a mix of content designed to engage, inspire, inform, concern, amuse, amaze, and entertain.

While politically neutral, The QT unashamedly looks at the world through a North East lens. We pride ourselves on being a campaigning champion for the region with a tone of voice that is calm, measured and non-sensationalist.

Civilised Society offers a forum for informed and expert views and ideas to be shared and debated in a respectful, rational and reasoned manner โ€“ an antidote to the polarised and toxic comments which dominate so much digital discourse while doing little to change minds.

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