The QT

Monday 21 October 2024

20 June 2024

Friends united in finding answers for you

High achiever, crippled by โ€˜success anxietyโ€™? Rising star looking for a guiding light? Business leader losing out on precious family time? Life and soul of the party but somehow struggling professionally? Is this you? Itโ€™s the question friends and colleagues Phil Gray, David Beharall and Steve Beharall are determined to answer and itโ€™s a question …

How can we hold regional mayors to account?ย 

Whether itโ€™s Ben Houchen pledging to build a new hospital on Teesside, Kim McGuinness looking to save jobs at Hitachi, or Andy Burnham bringing buses in the North West back under public control, regional and city mayors are now established and ambitious power brokers in English politics.   And as mentioned in my previous piece for …

Personality politics is a slippery beast

When you get it right, it can be an election winner. Tony Blair captured the mood of โ€˜Cool Britanniaโ€™ to sweep to victory in 1997. Thatcherโ€™s quip that any mother who could look after children all night and still function the next day could handle being PM, endeared her to the nation in 1979. Clement …

Keep calm and carry on bidding

Keep calm and put in a bid โ€ฆ and you could own a piece of Second World War history which became a global phenomenon. Three original, different-sized versions of the famous Keep Calm and Carry On poster from 1939 will be sold by Newcastle auctioneers Anderson & Garland on July 4, with estimates ranging from …

Build-up to dry-stone walling event

It will be a tale of two walls on Saturday, June 22, in one of the most striking settings in Northumberland National Park. Contestants from across the country will arrive at Greenlee Lough national nature reserve to take part in the Ellwood Classic dry-stone walling competition. The reserve of woodland and lake, adjacent to Hadrianโ€™s …

Blazing a trail for the talented Charlie Rogers

A new trail and exhibition could soon be installed at one of the North Eastโ€™s best-loved parks to celebrate the life and works of Gateshead artist Charlie Rogers. The concept, which is under consideration by Gateshead Council, aims to elevate awareness of Rogersโ€™ work following his death in 2020 via a trail in his beloved …

Poetic rebirth for prehistoric predator

If you see a palaeontologist dancing a jig in the poetry section of your local bookshop (which admittedly requires a lot of unlikely ducks to align), thereโ€™s a chance he or she has just spotted Rhizodont. Anything with a title like that is going to appeal to a fossil fan while requiring a little explanation …

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