The QT

Wednesday 23 October 2024

28 February 2024

Calls for return of Palestine refugee mural

For youngsters growing up in the cramped and often squalid conditions of a Palestinian refugee camp, it was the experience of a lifetime. It was also a lifetime which in all probability will be spent in the crowded Shatila camp in Beirut. Groups of youngsters were given a window on a new world when they …

Ahead of the game

Athletes will be able to monitor their brain brainwaves to pinpoint peak performance and injury after an innovative sports headband, originally designed to reduce concussion, is adapted. Stanley-based Rezon Halos has linked up with the American tech firm Cogwear to produce sportswear that will use EEG (electroencephalogram) technology to analyse brainwaves. Clinical trials are about …

Weaving a hobby into a new career

Victoria Conner laughs as she recalls her father’s impassioned advice when she was contemplating going into business. “You need to get yourself into coffins – there’s money in coffins,” he would tell her. But Victoria was not keen, replying. “Dad, I wouldn’t trust myself. What if someone fell out the bottom?”  Instead, Victoria runs a …

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