The QT

Monday 21 October 2024

7 February 2024

Showcasing city’s creative potential

Railway sleepers from the River Tyne and jay feathers found in Northumberland can become art materials as potent as paint or pastel in the right hands. This much is clear in the second exhibition curated by Jed Buttress at Newcastle Arts Centre as part of a project called Brass Tacks. The first, in September, was …

Changing faces of political parties

When Ken Livingstone was elected Mayor of London in 2000, 14 years after his previous power-base the Greater London Council was abolished by Margaret Thatcher, he began his acceptance speech with the words ‘…as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted’. As I return to the task of writing about politics for The QT, …

Lift off for space weather watcher

The weather โ€“ whatโ€™s forecast and what actually arrives –  is a daily topic and a longtime conversation-maker. But Northumbria University scientist  Dr Andy Smith has his sights trained rather higher –  on the weather in outer space. With society increasingly dependent on technology, activity such as solar eruptions has the potential to cause serious disruption …

A big year for devolution

The date of the next General Election might still be uncertain, but one thing we can be sure of is that this year will witness several significant mayoral elections across England. Once the preserve of constitutional scholars, English devolution is now political centrestage, and nowhere more so than here in the north east where two …

Charity has to begin at home

The North East charity sector is built on a foundation of raw northern grit, unwavering resilience, and a powerful network of community connections. It is this solid foundation that has allowed many organisations to survive and rise from the ashes of COVID-19. In the words of philosopher Bertrand Russell, ‘In a just world, there would …

Time travelling on The Tube

In October 2022, me and my Dad were sitting in a hospital waiting room at the Freeman in Newcastle. Weโ€™d spent a lot of time in those places during the few months before and were becoming pretty adept at passing the time rather than wasting it. Heโ€™d want me to say he got canny good …

Welcome to The QT

What is The QT? Who are the people behind it? Why is it even called The QT? Former BBC Inside Out presenter Chris Jackson is once again behind the microphone and asking us the questions. Around the table are me, Brian Aitken, founder and editor of The QT, features editor Sam Wonfor and associate editor …

A year of challenge and change

If youโ€™re reading this, then chances are you are more curious and more engaged than most. Youโ€™ll have some sense of this being a significant year for the North East. Letโ€™s lay out exactly how itโ€™s significant, and what role there is for all of us as part of it. Thereโ€™s the expected General Election, …

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